So, now that we can capture the sun, how do we get it into a bottle for rainy days or peak usage times? Though solar storage has become more popular over the years, since its inception, it’s not talked about often. 

Storage and Solar, How Does It Work?

During the summer months, from the afternoon to evening times, is usually when people are home, enjoying the cool breeze of air conditioning. Additionally, when there’s a heavy overcast for a long period, it’s nice to have a reserve of energy to tap into to make sure everything stays running.

5 Ways To Store Green Energy

Once solar energy is converted and obtained, it is then transferred into certain technologies. The most common means of storage is electrochemical. Others, despite not having an efficient return, are still used.

Electrochemical Batteries

Lithium-ion, sodium, lead acid, and other types of secondary batteries are great for harnessing the energy that is needed when eco-friendly resources are insufficient. The energy is absorbed by a chemical, keeping the ions, electrons, and neutrons of energy particles relaxed until it’s time to use them. Although there is a certain shelf life of these particles, the constant “recharging “of them, from the natural source of the sun, keeps the levels satisfied.

Thermal Technologies

As the sun beats down on temperature receptors, the heat is stored. This process uses minimal energy to maintain optimal levels until the electricity is called upon. It’s not as efficient as electrochemical but it can work side by side with geothermal acting as insulators. Receiving solar power while the heat is collected, then the heat from geothermal insulators and steam keeps that energy at peak performance. Also, heating water to steam and causing pressure is another way of creating your own energy by the principle means of geothermal.

Mechanical Systems 

There are endless ideas and concepts of how to “store” energy by mechanical means. Solar panels, attached to compressors, can power the units that gasses are forced into, leaving zero room and creating massive pressure. This pressure is then used in turbines and flywheels to create electricity. This isn’t very common due to the upkeep on a grander scale, but scientifically speaking, it’s really impressive.   

Residential Storage

If you’re looking into converting your home power source into solar energy, getting a backup battery composition isn’t a bad idea. It’s like having a generator, that uses fuel you have already obtained for FREE. When solar energy first started, the battery buildings were huge, the size of an average shed. Now, they are small panels on the wall of your basement or garage. In the winter months, we all know that the prices of energy skyrockets. The battery storage helps keeps the levels of grid use down. Imagine this; it’s snowing, and the sun hasn’t shown for a day. You have to tap into the normal grid, right? NO, with a battery backup, your holiday ham and movies will be “A” OK.

Commercial Storage Tech

On a larger scale, it’s still the same concept, just bigger. Owning an office building or factory, your lithium-ion batteries may be more abundant or even larger. It’s worth it though, when the grid goes down and the sun decides to hide behind stormy clouds, having a secondary energy source that costs a fraction of the price to maintain can keep you running through the day. Unlike residential, a separate building may be constructed unless there is room for the sufficient number of batteries required. Hospitals, and other life-saving facilities, require much more reliant power. During the 2022 Energy Conference, life-saving energy was one of the main topics. Within the next 10 years or so, expect self-reliant medical facilities will be constructed.

Ask Your Local Experts at BD Electrical

When you’re ready to convert to solar and store the energy of the sun, BD Electrical can wire, install, and make your lights shine brighter than ever. Just think, the skies are the limit yet we’ve landed on the moon.

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