Solar Energy Growth in MA. Picture of fall trees and solar panels

World Environment Day 2023: Celebrating Sustainable Energy Solutions with Solar Power

World Environment Day is June 5th and will be the 50th anniversary of the event. This is an annual day of celebration of the world’s environment, hosted by the United Nations. Events like this are a great reminder of the value of our environment and how vital it is to ensure its protection.

Today more than ever before, companies around the world are aiming to achieve ‘Net 0 Emissions’, lowering their environmental impact as low as possible, even to 0. According to the UN, over 70 countries worldwide have set net 0 targets. More than 3,000 businesses are working with the Science-Based Targets Initiative to reduce their emissions. Over 1000 cities have joined the Race to Zero program, aiming to halve global emissions by 2030.

Even the smallest businesses and individual homeowners can do their part to protect the environment. There are many ways to reduce the amount of environmental impact made daily and solar power is one of the best. The state of Massachusetts provides a variety of incentives to make it easier than ever to go green.

Clean Energy Solutions That Can Help You Reach Net 0

Companies around the world are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and even achieve Net 0 Emissions. There are a variety of ways a company can achieve this goal, including:

  • Switching to renewable energy: Solar panels, wind turbines, and other systems can produce enough electricity to power entire properties without a problem. Companies like BD Electrical offer solar panel installation services and make the conversion to renewable solar power easy for business owners as well as homeowners.
  • Converting to electric vehicle fleets: Businesses that rely on many vehicles to handle their work can consider changing their fleets to EVs. Electric vehicles powered by renewable energy can make a huge impact on reducing carbon emissions.
  • Upgrading their building’s efficiency: Offices, warehouses, factories, and even homes can be retrofitted with special systems and materials to help improve energy efficiency. Proper insulation, low-power lighting, and energy-efficient appliances can go a long way in lowering reliance on energy.
  • Adding Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Units: For factories that put out emissions from their building, a CCS system can be a big help in reducing emissions. These systems can capture emissions and store them safely rather than releasing them into the environment.

Companies and individuals that wish to lower their environmental impact can do so with these and many other strategies.

Benefits of Going Solar

The benefits of switching your property over to solar energy are immeasurable. With the right system in place, you can greatly reduce your carbon output and potentially even hit Net 0 Emissions. Just a few advantages of going solar include:

  • Long-term cost savings: Relying on solar power not only benefits the environment but can also save you money in the long run. Although the initial cost of installation may seem daunting, solar panels are a long-term investment that can easily pay for itself in energy savings over time. In addition, various federal and state-level incentives, such as tax credits and rebates, can help to offset the cost of installation and speed up the return on investment. By making the switch to solar power, you can significantly reduce your monthly energy bills and protect yourself against rising energy costs. Investing in solar power is a smart financial decision that offers both immediate and long-term benefits.
  • Energy independence: With solar power, you can achieve energy independence, ensuring constant access to power. Whether the panels are producing or not, you’ll have reliable power from the local grid and backup options in case of outages.
  • Increased property value: Improving the value of your property is always a wise investment. With the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly living, the installation of solar panels has become an increasingly popular choice among homeowners. Not only do solar panels reduce your carbon footprint and help to protect the environment, but they can also significantly increase the value of your property when it comes time to sell. So, if you are looking to add value to your property and attract environmentally conscious buyers, installing solar panels is definitely worth considering.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Relying on naturally occurring energy sources like the sun will reduce your need for fossil fuels. This helps reduce the amount of harmful material put into the environment. This, in turn, can help mitigate the negative effects of climate change and protect the planet for future generations. Therefore, opting for environmentally friendly energy solutions like solar power is not only good for the environment but also a responsible choice for a sustainable future.

With solar panels on your property, you can enjoy a wealth of benefits and greatly lower the amount of environmental impact your business or home has on the world.

Solar Incentives in Massachusetts

The state of Massachusetts offers business owners and residents a variety of ways to save money when they decide to switch to solar energy.

Net Metering is a program that allows solar customers to deliver excess power back to the local grid in exchange for a bill of credit. The Modified Accelerated Cot-Recovery program allows companies to choose how they receive a tax break based on the depreciation of their system. The Solar MA Renewable Target Program provides monthly payments to solar customers for up to 20 years based on their capacity block. The Investment Tax Credit offers a tax credit to new solar customers based on the year they install their system.

These programs make it easier for both commercial businesses and residents to switch to solar power. The savings offered can greatly offset the initial cost of installing a solar panel system.

Work With BD Electrical for Solar Services

With help from BD Electrical, installing a solar panel system is a breeze. We work closely with every client to ensure they understand the process and are happy with the results. Countless happy customers have helped us achieve a very high rating on Google Reviews, saying things like:

They were prompt, professional, informative, diligent about working with the power company and saw the project through to the end.

We have used BD Electrical for over twenty local solar projects, and I would recommend using them for any residential or commercial projects. They have become my go-to electrical contractors.

Get ready to go solar with BD Electrical. Schedule a free consultation with our team to get started.

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