The Bay State is cleaning up its atmosphere, starting with its number one worst carbon emission offenders- cars. Electric vehicle charging (EVC) has been a hot topic for the state of Massachusetts since the beginning of the year. Much on the subject has been discussed amongst the state Senate in regard to An Act Creating a Next-generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy, which is a petition accompanied by Senate Bill No. 9 (Bill S.9).
When it comes to Massachusetts, people probably think of our beautiful coastline, the best sports teams and a history richer than almost any other state in the USA. Now, don’t get us wrong, here at BD Electrical Services, we’re very proud to call this state our home, but we doubt most individuals think about, or are even aware, that the Massachusetts transportation sector contributes up to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the Bay State.
The good news is that Massachusetts harbors one of the country’s cleanest utility grids with 59% of its electricity generated from natural gas and 10% from renewable energy sources based on a 2014 study. By the end of 2019, renewable sources accounted for 23% of the state’s net generation with 14% from solar power.
The state’s renewables expansion trend is heavily outlined in Bill S.9. The bill commits Massachusetts to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 with benchmarks of 50% and 75% by 2030 and 2040, respectively.
So, what does this mean for Massachusetts business owners?
To fully support the goals laid out within Bill IX, the current action plan acknowledges the need for rapid market transformation. Simply put- the state is going to need some help (that’s where we come in)!
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure lays at the forefront of the action plan. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has rolled out the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) with $2.4 million USD allocated to fleet vehicle rebates and $1.4 million USD in monetary grants for the installation of electrical vehicle charging stations on commercial properties. Additionally, Massachusetts will be implementing the expansion of utility and supporting both commercial and residential-scale photovoltaic installations.
The current implementation of the Massachusetts Electric vehicle Incentive Program means that best time for businesses to integrate clean energy into their company structure is NOW! There is a huge opportunity for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at a place of business to be partially or completely covered. Saving money AND lowering greenhouse gas emissions? That sure sounds good to us!
Starting the Process to Install EVC Stations at Your Commercial Business
At BD Electrical, we’re experts in clean energy installations and we would be more than happy to help walk you through the process of installing electric vehicle charging stations on your commercial business property. Have more questions about the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program or if installing charging stations on-site is right for your business? We’re here for that too. This is an exciting time to be a Massachusetts-based company and our team is excited to see a brighter, clean future for the Bay State.
If you’re looking for a trusted commercial electrical company in southeastern Massachusetts, give BD Electrical a call or visit us online! 508-617-0800 |
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